DEMO VERSIONBeat Down from HOT-B introduces the fear of urban society into your home. Defend your turf and expand your power base by any means necessary. Wit, power, intimidation and an iron stomach are needed to survive in this real-time action adventure. Seeking to destroy your gang and exact revenge, ruthless rivals prowl the dangerous streets. Only you can rule the 'hood!
To obtain Beat Down purchase and product information, contact HOT-B at or go to
This demo version of Beat Down contains three single-player levels. The complete retail version of Beat Down includes 15 single-player and seven multiplayer missions. All of the missions have different objectives and are progressive. Playing Beat DownOnce the game has loaded, the Main Menu will appear. Select the desired mode, Single-Player or Multiplayer, from the menu. Single-Player ModePlace the mouse pointer over the Single-Player button on the Main Menu, and press the left mouse button. Once the single-player mode has been selected, a prompt entitled Select Player will appear. Highlight an existing name or type in the desired name; place the mouse pointer over the Add button, and press the left mouse button. When the desired name has been entered, place the mouse pointer over the OK button, and press the left mouse button. When the next screen appears, you may select Start and begin playing Beat Down by placing the mouse pointer over the Start button and pressing the left mouse button. Loading a Saved GameTo play a saved game, place the mouse pointer over the Load button, and press the left mouse button. A menu of saved games will appear. Highlight the saved game to be played; place the mouse pointer over the Load button, and press the left mouse button. If the desired name of the saved game is already selected, place the mouse pointer over the OK button, and press the left mouse button to begin playing the saved game. Saving a GameDuring the game, the player may save a game by pressing the Escape button on the keyboard, placing the mouse pointer over the Save button and pressing the left mouse button. Enter a name under which the file will be saved, and then resume play or exit. This saved game will be available when Load is selected on one of the menu screens. Exiting Beat DownTo exit Beat Down while a game is in progress, press the Escape button on the keyboard; place the mouse pointer over Exit, and press the left mouse button. Follow the remaining prompts to exit Beat Down. Keyboard Functions
Shift key +
If the mouse pointer looks like a shoe stepping in gum, travel to the destination is not allowed. Statistics Panel
Moving MembersUse the box created by moving the mouse pointer (while the left mouse button is pressed) to highlight, and select one or more members. After selecting your member(s), place the mouse pointer on the desired destination, and press the left mouse button. The members(s) will move toward the desired destination, but they may be ambushed along the way. Attacking Rivals
Mugging CharactersMoney can be obtained from pedestrians, hookers, bodies and store clerks (excluding Ammo Clerks). Select a member and move the mouse pointer over the intended victim. The mouse icon will change into a bag of money when mugging is possible. Make sure that the member is close to the victim or nothing will happen. Press the left mouse button to initiate mugging. A cop will arrest a member if the member is caught mugging someone or committing a crime. Handcuffs will be placed on a member after being caught. Once cuffed, the member will be prevented from moving as a penalty. Sometimes the victim of a mugging will fight back or run away to the nearest cop. Buying AmmoSelect a member, and move the mouse pointer over an Ammo Clerk. The mouse pointer will change into a hand with money. Press the left mouse button. Every left-click of the mouse over the Clerk will buy one round of ammo (16 bullets). If the mouse pointer does not change, the Clerk may be too far away or the member may not have enough cash. Giving MoneyMoney can be exchanged between members of the same gang. Select (highlight) the member who is going to give the money, and move the mouse pointer over the member who will receive the money. The mouse pointer will change into a hand with money. Twenty dollars will be transferred every time the left mouse button is pressed. Recruiting MembersLeaders have the ability to recruit new members. To recruit a new member, select a leader, and click on the recruit member icon located in the member statistics area. Potential members will be displayed. Place the mouse pointer over the type of member to be recruited, and press the left mouse button. If there is enough money, the newly recruited gang member will appear next to the leader. Buying Street CandyMembers may buy (from the Chemist) Street Candy or "power-ups" that will affect their performance. Select (highlight) a member, and move the mouse pointer over the Chemist. Press the left mouse button to bring up the Street Candy Menu. Select the desired type of Street Candy, and press the left mouse button to purchase. The effects of Street Candy are cumulative and permanent. Four types of Street Candy are available: NOPAIN - Increases defensive power; CRAZZ - Increases offensive power; HEAL V - Restores 50 health units, and HEAL X - Restores 100 health units.
The Rest of the Gang
Other Characters